
Kardia Collective provides counseling, training, and coaching to help you heal your hurts, deepen your relationships, and awaken your passion.

Despite appearances, no one has escaped the pain of living. To be human means you will experience deep hurt, painful loss, and often experience overwhelming fear. As a human, you also have the capacity to experience courage, hope, and freedom, in the midst of your pain.

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How We Help

Our vision is to help you reconnect with your heart, with God, and with those you love the most. This frees you to experience the deep relationships, meaningful work, and authentic faith you were made for. None of these things come easy and we all need help in different ways, so we’ve identified four channels for helping you live fully.


Recover your heart

Denying the pain of living in a world we can’t control comes at a high cost. You deserve healing and you can’t heal without care. We provide the care you need to heal so you can live courageous, hopeful, and free.

Learn more about Kardia Counseling →


Lead with heart

Living free takes courage because it puts us at risk of being rejected. Kardia Coaches give you the guidance and feedback you need to clarify the vision you have for your life and pursue it.

Learn more about Kardia Coaching →



Give heart

If you are responsible to care for and lead other people, we want to enable you to do what you do more effectively, having a greater impact for a longer period of time, without burning out.

Learn more about Kardia Training →


Know your heart

Kardiagnosis is a place where you can receive free resources, stories, podcasts, blog posts, videos, and more that will give you the courage it takes to face life with the hope that lives within you.

Learn more about Kardiagnosis →


“I woke up with a desire to learn how to connect my head and my heart.”

“Instead of going through my days feeling defeated and purposeless, I wanted to lean into who I am and make the most of the life I’ve been given. My time with Kardia has allowed me to break down walls and begin the road to healing from my past in order to experience freedom in my future.”


Our Office Location



6363 Poplar Ave, Suite 404
Memphis, TN 38119

Meet our team→


From the Kardiagnosis Blog