Five Ways to Calm the Mind

Five Ways to Calm the Mind

One powerful, yet simple, way to reduce anxiety and stress is the practice of embodiment. Embodiment moves us away from or out of the overwhelming swell of thought and more substantially into bodily awareness. We do this by intentional progressive transition through our five senses (touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight) to calm the mind.



Situationship. We’ve heard the term before. It’s a fancy name we’ve given to a not so glamorous approach to dating, and sometimes even marriage. In the past it’s been referred to as friends with benefits or maybe a fling. But as with anything, a new generation has come along, slapped a new label on it and ta da…you have the awkward in between friends but not in a relationship, situationship. It’s sex with no real commitment. Vulnerability with the lack of emotional intimacy. 

The Journey Home from Sexual Brokenness

The Journey Home from Sexual Brokenness

Most people are repelled by the thought of being “addicted” to anything, especially to sex or pornography. It makes us want to hide. We want to change the subject or point the finger to someone else. 

That word “addict” images dirty, uncontrollable, sexual thoughts and behavior that we don’t want to be associated with. 

How to Get Your Teenager to Talk To You

How to Get Your Teenager to Talk To You

“How was your day?”



What a profound conversation! Have you ever found yourself in this exact conversation, attempting to connect with your teenager? First, you’re a hero. Parenting teenagers is not for the faint of heart. I just work with them, you live with them!

How To Choose a Therapist

How To Choose a Therapist

Choosing a therapist may feel like a mix between looking for a primary physician and going on a date. One you hope you only have to see once, and the other, you hope you’ll be able to see for a long time. Whichever it is for you, congrats on making a step toward your own health! It’s scary, but it’s incredibly important. Here are a few things to consider as you look for a therapist to join you on your path toward healing.

The Heart of the Father

The Heart of the Father

There’s something in that phrase that explains itself. There is a feeling and a longing that wells up in our souls when we hear it. “The Heart of the Father”. Our hearts reach out for something that we either had as children and want more of, or missed out on and deeply long for, but never really put words to. “The Heart of the Father”.

Why Story Is Important

Why Story Is Important

That’s my dog. You know what he’s doing? He’s bringing glory to God. You know how I know? Because he’s doing what dogs do. He’s being completely dog-ish. Sometimes he does other things. He chases squirrels, he digs for voles (our yard is evidence of this), he barks at Steve, our neighbor, he eats, and well, other things. These are all things that dogs were designed to do. When he does what he was made to do, he brings glory to his Creator. 

Holding Onto Hope Lightly

Holding Onto Hope Lightly

One of the painful realities of life is unmet expectations. Desires unfulfilled. Dreams shattered. This, at the very least, is disappointing. Disappointment can bring anger, sadness, and anxiety that last for a day, a weekend, or, sometimes, months and even years. Disappointment’s ache can last so long and be so deep that it alters our outlook on life and even our sense of who we are.

The Christian Path and Anxiety, Part 2

The Christian Path and Anxiety, Part 2

“No, no! Jesus didn’t experience anxiety!” we might say. I think this is a reaction to quickly judging emotions as bad and untrustworthy. Consider Christ’s prayer in the garden, as he neared death. We read quite disturbing words from Luke: “And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground”.

The Christian Path and Anxiety Part 1

The Christian Path and Anxiety Part 1

Anxiety is on our radar a lot these days. It is a very real and rising reality of our time. But for the Christian, just as with the emotions of fear and anger, the eyes of disdain can easily look down upon anxiety. We aren’t supposed to experience this stuff. It means something is wrong with us.

The Greatest Lie

The Greatest Lie

“I don’t want to be a burden to anyone.”

You don’t have to look too hard or far to hear it. People back-peddling from their needs saying, “oh, but don’t go through too much trouble” or “it’s not that big of a deal, I’ll be fine.” It’s a funny thing when you think about it. In reality, we are all burdens. None are free from being dependent. One of the greatest lies we tell ourselves is that we don’t need people.