The Journey Home from Sexual Brokenness

by Tim Holler

Most people are repelled by the thought of being “addicted” to anything, especially to sex or pornography. It makes us want to hide. We want to change the subject or point the finger to someone else. 

That word “addict” images dirty, uncontrollable, sexual thoughts and behavior that we don’t want to be associated with. 

But many men have behaviors of a sexual nature that they just don’t want. They have tried to break these behaviors many times and just can’t get a handle on the “secret formula”. Whatever it takes to experience the freedom they crave, they haven’t found it. 

Maybe you aren’t an “addict”. But maybe you have tried to curb your desires and manage your lust and it just doesn’t seem to be working. 

Don’t give up. You can’t manage your lust because you are a sexual creature, created by God with sexual desires. Having sexual desire is not the problem. 

Come find out, with other men, how to be fully human, and at the same time, how your story is implicated in guiding you to make unhealthy choices regarding sexual attitudes and behavior that have you trapped. But those choices were rooted in real needs and real humanity. 

And may God bless your journey Home!